Everything Austin Homeowners Need To Know About Crickets


Crickets are often at the top of the to-do list when it comes to pest control in Austin. Cricket swarms are a predictable part of living in Texas, but did you know that there are multiple different types of crickets? In fact, there are hundreds of species of cricket out there. The two species that routinely plague Austin residents are field crickets and house crickets. Field crickets swarm outside while, as their name suggests, house crickets prefer to cozy up in our homes.

Field crickets in Austin tend to be large, stout crickets that are easily identified by their shiny, black exterior. Female field crickets lay their eggs during the fall in soil. The eggs hatch in the spring and the nymphs that emerge take three months to mature into adults. As field crickets prefer to live outside, they eat plants and other insects, including their own kind. These crickets are often found swarming outside after summer rainfall.

House crickets, so named for their propensity for entering human dwellings, tend to be light brown in color and grow to a little under an inch in length. House crickets, when they make their way into your home, may eat your fabric, insects found in the house, and human food.

Why Crickets Chirp So Much

Both types of cricket make a chirping noise by rubbing their wings together. Only male crickets chirp, and this music is actually a mating call. Male crickets chirp to communicate with females and find their mates.

How Crickets Make Their Way Into Homes

If you are finding crickets in the house, you are most likely running into house crickets. House crickets prefer the warmth and will move into man-made dwellings when the outdoor temperature is no longer to their liking. Crickets are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are resting during the day and active at night. They prefer the dark; this is why crickets in the basement are such a common phenomenon in Austin homes. 

Crickets are attracted to the electrical light pouring out of homes, such as porch lights and garage flood lights. Once crickets are attracted to your home, they can then gain access via open doors, open windows, broken insect screens, holes in masonry, and cracks in the siding.

How To Effectively Prevent Cricket Infestations

The best way to prevent crickets in Texas from accessing your home is to make your home less desirable to crickets. Some easy and effective ways to prevent cricket infestations include:

  • Rid your property of standing water and ensure that spaces are well ventilated.
  • Resolve any other insect infestations that may act as a food source for crickets.
  • Change bright porch bulbs to a muted yellow to appear less appealing to potential cricket invaders.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed low and neat.
  • Store woodpiles a minimum of 20 feet from the side of your house.
  • Use a silicone-based caulk to seal cracks and crevices.

These tips are all simple ways to get ahead of the cricket boom in Austin and protect your home from infestation.

Professional Cricket Control In Austin

When crickets are already infesting your Austin property, the only surefire solution is to work with a professional pest control company. An expert in the field like Roberts Termite & Pest Control can rid your home of crickets and prevent future pest infestations; we have been doing it for more than 60 years! We offer free estimates along with several quality pest control management solutions to satisfy every customer. Our office staff and field technicians are ready to offer excellent service and put you at ease. Reach out to Roberts Termite & Pest Control today to protect your Austin home!

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